Surgery Number 6 (01/30/2014 Update)

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

As many of you know, Monday was my 50th birthday. I received a multitude of calls, text messages, and Facebook posts, and cards. Thank you for the well wishes! I am truly grateful for having so many family and friends in my life.

One of the calls I received on Monday was not a birthday call. I didn’t expect to hear from Dr. Krauss until our scheduled appointment later in the week. So I was caught off-guard when he called to discuss the scan results with me. He was quick and to the point. The scans did reveal another tumor in my liver. The good news is that there was no other sign of cancer in any other organs and the tumor is near the surface of the liver and operable. He explained that he was referring me to Dr. Knoll, a liver surgeon at UMHS.

Today we met with Dr. Knoll to discuss liver surgery. He explained the procedure and left us feeling comfortable that we are in good hands. Surgery is scheduled for Friday Feb 7.

The hospital stay is expected to be six days. And, if all goes well I should be able to work from home couple weeks thereafter.

The Lord does have a plan for me and for each of us. And it is the very best plan there is. And therefore I am at peace with these challenges.

And once again I request that you please keep me and my family in your prayers. And I pledge to keep you ALL in my prayers as well.


I don’t worry o’er the future,
For I know what Jesus said;
And today I’ll walk beside Him,
For He knows what is ahead.


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9 Comments on “Surgery Number 6 (01/30/2014 Update)”

  1. Scott says:

    Stay strong brother!!! We luv ya….

  2. Lisa says:

    Keeping you in my prayers! Happy belated birthday.

  3. John & Trina says:

    You are in our thoughts and prayers, all our love

  4. Denice Bates says:

    You are in my daily prayers. Happy belated birthday!

  5. Colette says:

    I had a dream last night of a family photo of your amazing family, everyone holding whack a mole mallets with animated, victorious smile! 😉 One more step in the marathon my friend!
    Love, light, prayers and many, many healing thoughts
    Colette & Darrick

  6. Mary Salens says:

    You’ve got this dear one. We’re with you!

  7. Krea Gregory says:

    Another happy belated birthday from me — nifty 50!
    Keeping you in my prayers.

  8. Linda says:

    Phil, Praying for a successful surgery & speedy recovery.

  9. Lynne Corbus says:

    Happy belated birthday from us, too! Praying for a successful surgery on 2/7 and a quick recovery!

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