Surgery Scheduled (11/14/2013 Update)


  Prayers Requested

I met with a surgeon and the surgery is scheduled for 12/2 (most likely in the morning).  I am going for the pre-op physical on 11/19. The surgery will be four hours. I will be in UMHS hospital for 3 to 7 days depending on how well I heal / recover.  I will then have about a 3 to 4 week recovery period once returning from the hospital. We are all in good spirits and have high hopes that this surgery will leave me cancer-free!

Please pray with us up to and on this date for a successful surgery and a full remission.  And post this date for a successful recovery.

And as usual – THANK YOU for all your prayers and support. Please know that my family and I appreciate you tremendously. God has surrounded us with Love! And special thanks to my co-workers for their prayers and support. You all make our organization a very great place to work!

May the risen Lord be with you today and every day, overflowing your heart with Love such that you may share his message with many others along your path. And may your days be filled with countless blessings from heaven above. This I pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen



Another surgery (11/04/2013 Update)

The biopsy results are in – It is cancer. An appointment with a surgeon will be scheduled soon. There is a possibility that the surgeon will want radiation treatment as prep for surgery.  If radiation treatments are preferred the surgery will be a couple months out. If radiation treatments are not needed the surgery will be scheduled as soon as possible.

As usual, thank you all for your prayers and support.  And may God Bless you all with Love and Light today and always!



Ultrasound Results (11/01/2013 Update)

All Saints DayUpdate

Yesterday I went in for the ultrasound.  This test confirmed a mass in the location where the uptake was detected on the PET scan. A biopsy was done and results from the biopsy will be reviewed with my oncologist on Monday.  The mass could be a recurrence of the colon cancer or it could be an adenoma granulation tissue (not cancer).  The biopsy will let us know which it is. Thank you for all your prayers and support.

Today is new day; And a new month

Thank you Lord for the countless blessings you bestow on us!

 Let us sing “Praise to God” with all the Saints in Heaven! 

Love and Light to you all!
